"I come from a proud American family that has served our country in different capacities since the American Revolution. My father served our country in the Vietnam War and before him, my grandfather in WWII. I am immensely proud of who we are but also know that it comes with responsibility. That responsibility is to ensure we provide for a better future and opportunity for our children."
Community Safety
As the father of two young children, I find the safety of our community essential. As we continue to grow, our community is more prone to increased crime. I will work to ensure we evaluate all available options to keep our community safe.
Responsible Government Spending
I will take the responsibility of spending hard-earned taxpayer dollars seriously and act as a TRUE FUDICIARY. I will make the important decisions of spending taxpayer money as if it were my own, not just a decision on the meeting agenda. All too often in government, it is obvious that it is easy to spend someone else's money. That must stop.
Our roadways and stormwater management systems appear to be areas for improvement in our city. Appropriating adequate funding to make improvements and pursuing new ideas is necessary, even if it requires cuts in other areas.
Responsible Development
I will make decisions with the knowledge that responsible development is vital for our city. Approving commercial or residential rezoning without first accounting for infrastructure needs is irresponsible.